Jack Irish: Blind Faith | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)

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Jack Irish, a former criminal lawyer, spends his days as a part-time investigator, debt collector, apprentice cabinet maker, punter and sometime lover.

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member Great show - could not stop watching until the last episode Rated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/09/23 Full Review Audience Member It is a little drawn out but well worth the time. Rated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/09/23 Full Review Audience Member I am always sceptical of Australian television, but when a cast of the "who's who" of Australian actors is assembled, I had no choice but to watch it. Guy Pearce does a good job as Jack, but it is the supporting actors that made the show. Denise Scott has little air time, but every second is hilarious and Ronald Falk, John Flaus, and Terry Norris had me laughing until I cired, as the three old bar flies. Even Shane Jacobson made me giggle, when I had never found him funny in any other performance.The show is essentially a crime/drama, but the Aussie slang, Melbourne scenery, Phillipines experience and solid chuckles made it good viewing. The script was rough around the edges at times, where some lines could have been better served as 'Australiana' instead of using alien lines. This was evident with the delivery from some characters. Overall, I was keen to watch the second series. Rated 4/5 Stars • Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/09/23 Full Review james g Guy Pearce is sensational- one of my favorite actors of all time- as Jack Irish. The cover 'log line' on the DVD reads: "A classic noir" (Wall Street Journal). Agreed, and Irish is more like (North America's) Mickey Spillane's almost super-human P.I as opposed to thinking man Lew Archer (Ross MacDonald's creation). Irish is certainly not as odd as Chandler's Marlowe, but hey this is only Season One and we know there is much tragedy in Irish's past. I look forward to getting a closer look at Irish in other seasons. Just one slight flaw: there are multiple story lines, a couple of them with a dash of romance, and I found myself lost in complex plots. A 90-minute film noir is easily rewatchable if you're lost or missed a bit, but a 6-hour season not so much. Besides, I want to get to the next season ASAP. Marta Dusseldorp is fascinating as a journalist so heavy into her job she doesn't see trouble coming. Actually, the entire cast is excellent, especially three 80ish y/o men who are seen only in a bar, functioning as a kind of Greek chorus, commenting on various portions of the story. And there is some kind of kinky sex club and we're led to believe things are gonna get VERY kinky on screen, but the directors - 3 of them- tastefully aim this at an all-inclusive audience other than young children, so I'll rate this myself as PG-13 since there is no rating on the DVD itself. I love that my library system is now carrying TV series from all over the world in addition to global films. And that begs the question, "Is TV better than film right now?" With Disney streaming the fantastic "Hamilton" right into our homes, and "Breaking Bad" being one of the greatest stories on film or TV (if not the best ever), I gotta say it's TV giving us the very best these days and perhaps for the first 20 years of the century. On to Season 2! Then, TV series from all over the globe! Just in time for the current pandemic lock-down, television reaches a second golden age. Rated 3.5/5 Stars • Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Action packed just binge watched the entire season 0, 1, and 2 pretty good show. I hope they continue with a season 3. Rated 4/5 Stars • Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/09/23 Full Review Audience Member I truly enjoy watching this series! One of the best series on PBS. If your station gets it you should watch. WETA and MPT: Please add this to your seasons! Love Guy Pearce! At least this series is appreciated in the UK. I find myself turning off the US big hits to watch series from the UK and enjoying them much more. Rated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/09/23 Full Review Read all reviews

Jack Irish — Blind Faith

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Cast & Crew

Andrew Anastasios Creator Guy Pearce Jack Irish Marta Dusseldorp Linda Hillier Shane Jacobson Barry Tregear Aaron Pedersen Cam Delray Roy Billing Harry Strang
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Episode 1 Aired Feb 11, 2016 As a new day dawns in Melbourne, Jack Irish finds himself staring down the barrel of a brand new case; after a random summons by one Travis Dilthey, Jack is engaged to track down Travis' missing brother Wayne. Details Episode 2 Aired Feb 18, 2016 Travis Dilthey has vanished and Jack is beginning to fear that the Wayne Dilthey frame-up may be a personal vendetta; in Manila, Linda is watched like a hawk as her attempts to contact renowned terrorist Hadji Adhib are thwarted. Details Episode 3 Aired Feb 23, 2016 Jack is determined to uncover the one who framed him for Wayne Dilthey's murder, convinced of a potential conspiracy stretching deep into the prison and church repatriation system run by the Way of the Cross. Details Episode 4 Aired Mar 3, 2016 Sarah's convinced that Pastor Rob Shand is responsible for her sister's fate, and a cryptically antagonistic visit with the man of the cloth himself convinces Jack of the same. Details Episode 5 Aired Mar 10, 2016 Episode 5 With vengeance coursing through Jack's veins, his friends do all they can to pacify him; Harry and Cam focus Jack on a prospective equine venture; Barry Tregear threatens him with the full force of the law. Details Episode 6 Aired Mar 17, 2016 Jack is now on the run from both the police and the members of Via Crucis; Jack convinces Cam to return with him to the Way of the Cross factory where a secretive entry into a shipping container exposes a cache of weapons and ammunition. Details

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Jack Irish — Blind Faith

Jack Irish Jack Irish Jack Irish View more photos

Jeffrey Walker

Andrew Anastasios

Executive Producer
Andrew Knight

Matt Cameron, Andrew Knight

ABC Australia

Action, Drama

Original Language
Australian English

Release Date
Feb 11, 2016
Jack Irish: Blind Faith | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.